Gemcraft Wiki

Mana shards

Mana Shards are field items that appear in GemCraft Labyrinth and GemCraft Chapter 2. They are magical items created by weather anomalies induced by wizards, which the wizards of the Spiritforge often abused. Another version of the mana shards exist, known as Corrupted Mana Shards. These are orange variants of mana shards that have an infinite mana storage, but in turn, they continuously weaken the tower gems used to harvest them. Corrupted mana shards are created when demons corrupt regular mana shards, as shown when The Forgotten transformed a group of mana shards into corrupted mana shards on Field E4 in GemCraft Lost Chapter: Frostborn Wrath.

They provide the player with extra mana that can be obtained by shooting the shard with a gem. After the shards' mana are depleted, structures can build upon that spot.

In GemCraft Chapter 2: Chasing Shadows, some mana shards can appear on the map via sparks, and dropping gem bombs on these sparks will yield a larger shard storage (at the cost of a thicker mana shard shell). Sometimes, mana shards can have a purple shell layer, which prevents harvesting until it is broken. Corrupted mana shards, an orange variant of mana shards, were also introduced in GemCraft: Chapter 2.


GemCraft Labyrinth[]

Field Shards Total Harvested Mana
A13 5 45K
A2 9 50.5K
A3 4 16K
A8 3 10150
B1 8 15960
B4 4 4.8K
B5 7 20.8K
B6 2 15K
B7 2 19.4K
C2 8 35K
C6 2 2.2K
C7 10 1090
C8 8 1130
C9 3 6.3K
D1 3 10.5K
D4 6 54K
D6 2 2.7K
E2 2 50K
E3 5 75K
E6 5 10.8K
F4 6 33K
F6 2 10K
F7 4 9K
F8 3 90K
G3 6 6K
G4 1 5K
G5 7 5.6K
G6 1 10K
G8 11 121.6K
H6 1 4K
H7 3 7.5K
I6 4 10K
I7 1 3K
J2 3 24K
J11 3 18.6K
J12 3 5.4K
K1 3 6.6K
L3 1 111K
L13 11 23.1K
M7 1 35K

GemCraft Chapter 2: Chasing Shadows[]

Field Shards Total Harvested Mana
E2 2 1.6K
H2 1 1.3K
J5 4 86.5K
K2 2 25K
K4 3 46.3K
K5 2 150K
O1 4 219.5K
Q3 2 5.9K
Q4 4 48.8K
R4 7 170.5K
R5 6 106K
T4 2 26.2K
V10 1 800K

Corrupted Mana Shards[]

Field Shards
G1 1
O2 1
X3 1